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Freed Azov commander Oleh Mudrak dies after being tortured in captivity

Major and commander of Azov Regiment’s 1st Battalion, Oleh Mudrak, nicknamed “Sukhar,” has passed away. Together with other Azovstal defenders, he spent six months in Russian captivity and survived terrorist attack in Olenivka. 

As informs Censor.NЕТ, his nephew Danylo reported this tragic news. 

Oleh Mudrak participated in the war from the first days of 2014. When the enemy launched a full-scale invasion in 2022, he and his comrades defended Mariupol, then Azovstal. Together with other Azovites, in May 2022, 36-year-old Sukhar was taken prisoner by Russia, where he lost a lot of weight. His photos from captivity, taken in August 2022, shocked the Internet. Instead of a muscular warrior, the photo showed an emaciated and tortured man.


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